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Ragnarok Offline 3ceam


Introduction:This is a huge upgrade of the RO offline pack. Exclusive.Why? Simply because there is a lot of work, and thanks to all people who contributed to this project.First of all, you can try just right now ALL 4th jobs, their skills, mechanics, and commands developed for 4th jobs.Second: you can try to test 17.1, 17.2 episodes, instances, or even improve it. (it's pretty unstable but usable).Third: this content NOT exist yet in official emulators, as far as I know.Important note:Dear friends, I have been volunteering for more than a decade for *Athena.I've never asked for donations or any help, and for many years did support newbies, and not only around the RO community.But this time is critical for me, and I need your help, and you're my last hope.If you can donate, please do it. I've never asked for that before, but this time I'm asking directly: dear friends, please help me.Long story short: covid + depression + other problems = extremely critical condition that can be solved with your help.I apologize for that. I have almost no hope anymore.Changelog for v2022:1. Added extra emulator with 4th jobs (complete translation, skill mechanics, etc.).2. Added 16.2, 17.1, 17.2 episodes (quests, instances, mobs, drops, etc.)3. Upgraded Hercules & rAthena to latest versions4. New game client just for 4th job client. Compatible only with 4th job emulator.5. Known issues with 4th jobs: the game window can free when you create a new character. Just close the window and try to log in again. This is a known bug.Also: I did not test content well here. It's raw but at least good fundament for doing your projects.6. OpenServer replaced by Laragon because laragon is less problematic, total size less, works faster, and better.7. All emulators upgraded to the latest versions. Clients for Hercules & rAthena pretty stable (2019 ones).8. The game client for the 4th job (20211111) is not stable but playable.Download Links (4.5GB)- - - =sharingDonation Credentials:(paypal / creditcard): Donate Paypal- Bitcoin (BTC): bc1q6q470sk54hgjxthnpknfsunk0uxegyczy3m9fn- Etherium (ETH): 0x36E784BFC7b898Cfd711199C696b5F031C095AF1- USDT (ETH): 0x36E784BFC7b898Cfd711199C696b5F031C095AF1- LTC: LbXrdmabzhgRrA4s3Yr6au9Vqcn9uvPAB6Our Discord:

Just edit the ip in clientinfo xml-file for your friends (ragnarokgamefolder/data) from to something like or so (open cmd->ipconfig to find out you lan-ip, or check in hamachi).

Ragnarok Offline 3ceam

You don't need to compile the emulator, it's already pre-compiled by me in debug mode. But even if you did it, the error on the screen not related to compilation. The error on the screen related to data.grf and your kRO client. Please download full kro client by links in the first post, and everything will works fine, also do not mix different clients, they are not compatible. For example I support the topic since 2016? Or like that, and there was dozens of different versions with different client versions and date releases also with different client files for full kRO client, but all that you need to know - they almos always not compatible. So, if you wish to run RO offline -> use all files provided in the one folder, do not mix them. (that means you need to download 4gb)

Solving merge conflicts - not an easy thing to do, and require some deep understanding what is going on here. Since 20200419 version of the RO offline, you can always do git reset --hard command, and it will destroy all changes that will block your upgarde process. But I do not recommend to do it, because you can potentially lost your some custom script (that you will made or edit by yourself).

Weird, so i've logged in normally on the offline server and some of the commands seems to make the server freeze. is it just me? i can use some commands like (@speed,@go,) but whenever i use (@monster,@item) it suddenly stops and freezes the whole server and i can't use any commands. Addition to that, when i relog it prevents me from logging in so i have to redo the "run-server.bat" to enable everything again. map-server.bat doesn't show any error logs at all.

Untuk link download server offlinenya sudah tidak valid tuh.Mohon untuk diperbaiki linknya, biar tidak mengPHPkan orang yang berkunjung kesini dan sudah senang mau coba eh ternyata ga bisa didownload.Terimakasih

  • DOWNLOAD LINk Part 1 Code: _part1.htmlPart 2 Code: _part2.htmlPart 3 Code: _part3.htmlPart 4 Code: _part4.html PASSWORD : hujio cara nginstal? bitc* please, itu extract langsung maen bro... cara maennya? 1. buka folder ragnaroknya trus pilih diantara 2 server yg ente pengen maenin, [x] 3Ceam ato [x] eAthena, sama aja kog file di kedua server cm beda NPC ama support jobnya trus pilih n jalanin start server.bat (ga usah setting konfig2an lagi bro) ...O iya bagi pengguna AVG trus firewallnya idup pastiin firewallnya ga ngeblok char-server, login-server, ama map server ya...2. klo uda ngeload semua alias map-server uda berenti ngeload database map ama NPC baru jalanin play.exe n have fun go mad bro... beda server [x] 3Ceam ama [x] eAthena klo yg 3Ceam uda ada support job 4 nya tapi masi blm diimplementasi bener sih kayak royal guard yg gw maenin kgk bisa naek gryphon, rune knight bisa naek dragon, n mechanic bisa naek mado gear... Okeh, mungkin beberapa ragnarok fans sudah tau kalo job 4 (yg bener job 3, salahkan pihak pengembang idRO yang menyebutkan kalo job 2trans itu job 3) sudah mulai di implementasikan di kRO (Kroya eh Korean Ragnarok Online) karena implementasi job 4 di kRO belum 100% jadi kalau di server kalian menjumpai bug, harap maklum...buat yg ga ada suara pada awal maenin emang bgitu bro biarpun uda di setup juga tetep aja kgk ada suaranya klo servernya di restart...Screenshot Cara bikin ID baru: 1. open explorer cari folder ragnarok trus pilih server yg lo gunain...2. trus cari folder save trus files notepad "account"Hide nih3. trus edit yg 2000005[tab]nama id lo[tab]password lo[tab]cowo(M) / cewe(F)[tab]email[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]0[tab]-[tab]-[tab]4. beres, jgn lupa tab yg terakhir itu penting klo lo ga pencet tab id lo ga bakal bisa dimaenin... Cara edit char:Hide Edit Char1. open explorer cari folder ragnarok trus pilih server yg lo gunain...2. trus cari folder save trus files notepad "athena"Hide nih3. nah lo liat nama char lo yg mana misal gw pake yg kuro...Hide nih4. nah gw kasih ni keterangan nya:Hide keterangan angkanya150007 : nomor char2000003,4 : char ada di id mana ama slot brp12,54,17 : yg 12 itu nomor job (cari di server-db-const.txt) , 54 itu base level , 17 job level55590,2066,89907668 : base exp, job exp, zeny 3002,3044 : remaining HP ama total HP272,354 : remaining SP ama total SP5,54,5,5,52,11 : status lo urutannya gini nih strengh, agility, vitality, inteligence, dexterity, luck0,0 : ini yang paling penting, untuk 0 pertama itu point buat naikin status pas level up, untuk 0 kedua itu job skill point untuk naikin skill losisanya ga usa di edit bikin reppot doang itu item yg ada di char lo ama quest yg lo jalanin... TIPS & TRICK BUAT PEMALES YG MAU LANGSUNG JOB 3 ATO JOB 4... 1. kan uda dijelasin ngedit char tuh nah kita praktekin ke dunia nyata... 2. bikin id trus char yg lo suka trus maenin ampe pindah dari pelatihan novice ke midgard world, terserah lo mo ngikutin trainingnya ato ga yg penting uda ke teleport ke kota, gw saranin di prontera soalnya banyak NPC yg jual equip disitu...3. sampe dikota lo save point di kafra terdekat trus exit ragnarok, oiya JANGAN LANGSUNG CLOSE SEMUA SERVER WINDOWS tunggu beberapa menit ( 5 menitan lah) soalnya dia masi proses ngesave semua data2 lo..4. ke folder server yg lo pake trus save cari athena.txt nah cari yg nama char yg tadi lo bikin, misal gw pake yg dreadfullsins...Hide nih5. misalnya gw pengen jadiin tuh char jadi job nya sura nah gw ganti yg 0,6,7 jadi 4077,6,7 trus ga mungkin kan sura base level 6 trus job level 7 gw ganti jadi 99 base level ama job level 49 jadi tulisannya gini 4077,99,49...6. uda pasti berubah tuh char tapi yg jadi masalah skill nya uda pada aktif belom? nah itu mah gampang lo liat yg angka ini 0,0 lo rubah jadi 0,200 jadi ada skill point 200 yg siap di pakai buat ngaktifin skill...7. trus statusnya gmn masa sura statusnya bgini 11,11,7,1,6,2 , ya lo edit lah sesuka hati lo jadiin 99 aja semua juga ga ada yg ngomel kog...8. Jangan lupa yg paling penting, duit di angka 53,31,812 ubah yg 812 jadi jutaan kayak gini 53,31,8900000 ...9. uda deh n yg paling penting SAVE !!!! jgn sampe perjuangan kita gagal gara2 ga disave... 10. abis itu maenin deh... Cara setting buat maen nge-lan dari agan easyvalenHide nihHide cara lan buat txt1. di folder ragnarok offlinenya, buka folder data.grf trus extract yg clientinfo.xml nya... 2. didalemnya kan ada clientinfo.xml buka pake notepad, trus cari yg ada tulisan angkanya lu ganti jadi ip servernya. (baik yg client ato yg server. ip wajib ip server.) save trus masukin lagi ke data.grf3. trus lu buka folder tempat servernya. tru buka folder "conf"4. buka subnet_athena.conf , trus didalamnya kan ada tulisan subnet: kopi, trus di paste 2kali. yg pertama biarin aja, yg kedua lu ganti ipnya jadi ip server, yg ketiga lu ganti ipnya jadi ip lu. Hide contohsubnet: subnet: subnet: klo lu server, yg baris ke-3 sama kaya yg baris ke-2.5. buka char_athena.conf cari tulisan char_ip: jadi ipnya jadi ip server. (baik yg client ato yg server. ip wajib ip server.)6. buka map_athena.conf cari tulisan map_ip: jadi ipnya jadi ip server. (baik yg client ato yg server. ip wajib ip server.)cara balik ke normal:langkah ke 2,5,6 balikin ke ip normal setting max levelHide max level Originally Posted by easyvalen Untuk level maksimal setahu gw ini ro bisa support ampe lv1000.Caranya:1. Buka folder dimana terdapat server, trus buka folder "db"2. Disana kan ada file"exp2.txt", itu namanya di ubah jadi "exp.txt" yg lama di tiban aja.3. Buka file tersebut. Disana kan ada tulisan "base...." Dibawahnya kan ada angka 99 , nah itu tinggal lu ganti sesuai dengan keinginan lu. Itu artinya maks levelKlo untuk yg tulisannya "job..." Itu artinya maks job level.nih skrinsutnya... Tambahann..GRF Builder GrfBuilder is a tool for managing GRF files (read/write/edit/preview/etc). So mo ngedit data.grf, sdata.grf, dansebagainya.grf pake program ini...Download Link Code: _0_1_30.html eNPC Script Editor credit to vinceSkrinsut Code: =preview1ky.jpgProgram untuk mempermudah kita bikin, edit, ama mempercepat kita dalam bikin script NPC di ragnarok, fiturnya:multitab editor

  • auto-completion All script commands known in script_commands.txt

  • instant access to manual Press F1 to show/hide the part of script_commands.txt corresponding to the command under your cursor

  • syntax highlighter

  • braces/parentheses matching

  • menu wizard Able to create a switch(select()) or a menu with labels (it's up to you !)

  • message wizard create long dialog easily, with color, and PREVIEW (with next/close button, etc.)

  • search & replace

NB: program ini hanya untuk membantu lo bikin script NPCnya aja, semua LOGIKA n SCRIPT FLOW lo yg bikin sendiri alias peres otak lo gimana bisa jalan tuh script, TS HANYA bertanggung jawab mengupload nih program aja jadi klo ada eror ataupun lainya TS ga bertanggung jawab...Download Link _eng_beta6.html 2ff7e9595c

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